February 18 shall go down in history as a black day for Indian democracy. On that day a shaky Central Government, almost sure to lose the elections due within a couple of months, and a resurgent principal opposition, confidently looking forward to forming the next government, joined together to strike a decisive blow against federalism,… Continue reading Federalism Violated
True to the pattern, the Principal Opposition has once again let the Congress have its way in the Parliament. After letting the Bill ignominiously pass through the Lok Sabha, the BJP stalled it in the Rajya Sabha for exactly one day. The two reasons offered for not agreeing with the bill in the Rajya Sabha… Continue reading The Deed is Done
While resolving to split Andhra Pradesh, the Parliament has formally abandoned the linguistic principle of provincial organisation. The principle was not even debated or discussed. It was as if the principle did not exist or were of no particular consequence for the polity of the nation. Yet, the linguistic principle of provincial organisation was among… Continue reading Linguistic Provinces are the Foundation of Indian Federalism and Unity